Cognitive Security | Healthcare | ecommerce

Delivering the benefits of cognitive technologies.

Solutions and Services Get Started

We provide cognitive software solutions and analytics services to customers around the world, driving business value and delivering on the promise of cognitive technologies, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI).

Cognitive Advantage

While there is no widely accepted definition of cognitive computing, cognitive technologies are those that traditionally assumed to require human intelligence. They are products of the field of artificial intelligence. “Cognitive” is an umbrella term encompassing numerous aspects of how machine thinking attempts to mimic the way people learn and think. The goal of such systems is to perform tasks that only people used to be able to do. Examples of cognitive technologies include computer vision, machine learning, deep learning, adaptive neural networks, natural language processing, speech recognition, and robotics.

Computers cannot think. But increasingly, they can do things that only humans were able to do – from tasks that require human perceptual skills, such as recognizing handwriting or identifying faces, to tasks that require cognitive skills, such as planning, reasoning from partial/uncertain information, and learning. Smart systems aren’t likely to take over our lives, but advances in cognitive technologies will augment human thinking and specialized skill sets.

Humans and machines are better together. Just as cognitive computing is taking center stage in the banking industry, it will take center stage in cybersecurity, healthcare, and e-commerce. IDC projected that the overall $8 billion cognitive computing market of 2016 will skyrocket to some $47 billion by 2020 and healthcare, along with discrete manufacturing, will be leading that growth. We offer cognitive solutions and services to explore where and how cognitive technologies can benefit your company.